Bryan Whitt, Yogi | Disabled Veteran
Most of Bryan’s life has been spent trying to achieve physical goals. He spent 21 years in the military, summited Kilimanjaro, ran a 100 mile race, climbed many of the 14teeners in Colorado as well as many other endeavors. It wasn’t until an unassuming incident in the military that his life went from an outside accomplishment mindset to an internal introspection. Through a process of several surgeries and a need for a change, Bryan came into yoga. After a short period on his mat he and his wife began looking into the origin and traditional meaning of yoga and all it entails. From many retreats and a few trips to India Yoga became not only a physical practice but a spiritual practice and a way of life. Although he’s not able to achieve the physical endeavors he once did his life is much richer and rewarding than it ever was. Bryan considers himself a life long student of yoga and enjoys focusing on his personal practice and everything it entails.