Paul Temple RadianceMatrix


Peaceful. Penetrating. Pure. These words have been used to describe the music of internationally-acclaimed musician Paul Temple, who creates mystical transmissions of peace and beauty with Tibetan bowls, flutes, and mantras. His album, RADIANCE MIXES, with Deva Premal reached #5 on iTunes World Music chart and is on Soul Traveler Radio's TOP 20 albums of the year.

Paul has been a presenter with packed audiences at Arise Festival, WanderLust, 11:11 Unified, and on the New Earth One Network. He has presented at conferences with Gregg Braden, Kryon, Dr Joe Dispenza, Jonathan Goldman, and Panache Desai. Paul has toured across North America, bringing his teachings and sound artistry to concerts and workshops in New York, Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, Santa Fe, Denver, and Los Angeles amongst other cities. Paul’s set of tuned and amplified healing bowls, along with mesmerizing Tibetan throat singing, create harmonious sonic architectures, said by some to be the ultimate sound-healing concert experience.

Paul currently offers two main projects to the world: RadianceMatrix is the music project that offers concerts with Tibetan bowls and chanting. The Diamond Light Teachings are a body of esoteric teaching Paul has received from his spirit guide, Althor, about awakening the human heart center as the next step in human evolution. Paul lives at the Double Rainbow Ranch in Boulder, CO and offers regular live and online programs. /

"Beautiful music, sacred space."    ~ Deva Premal & Miten 

“It was a profoundly beautiful concert. Paul is incredibly gifted. His voice opens portals & transcends lifetimes.”      ~ Ad Sach Kaur, Colorado Springs

“I was transported into mystical realms.”   ~ John Meade, Santa Fe, NM

"When Paul plays his Tibetan bowls, a sense of peace and euphoria permeates the entire room.  It is impossible not to feel uplifted by his subtle yet powerful art form."   - Tina Malia

“Some people play music and some people channel spirit thru sound. RadianceMatrix is definitely a powerful channel.”     Melissa – Boulder, CO

Mystic Realms: Promo video: