
The first significant marker on Rob’s Bhakti yoga journey was attending a Krishna Das kirtan in Los Angeles in 2002. Soon after, he found himself on a trajectory toward yoga and personal growth that has since been the driving force in his life. The next wonderful thing that happened was meeting Melissa. 

Rob began sharing his music with the yoga community after a teacher heard one of his songs, “Breathe,” bought a CD and began playing it in her yoga classes. The same teacher soon asked him to sing kirtan at her studio, and he and Melissa have been chanting ever since. But it’s not only the mantras that grab his attention; the stories and philosophy of yoga are of equal interest. Drawing upon his experience as a filmmaker, he revels in sharing the stories and adventures of the yogic deities, bringing passion and relevance to these ancient teachings. 

Rob has been an avid student of Bhakti yoga for over 10 years and has been teaching since 2011. Some of Rob’s Bhakti teachers: Govind Das (Bhakti Yoga Shala/LA), Mataji Devi Vanamali (Rishikesh), Jai Uttal, Amber Tande (Sutra Yoga/Seattle), Michael and Rickie Beckwith, and his pug dog Humphrey.