Sabrina Suazo MS, E-RYT 200, YACEP
Sabrina has been a student of yoga for over 21 years! Motivated to get back into shape after having her daughter, she tried yoga and immediately fell in love with it! Yoga resonated within her, not just on a physical level, but on a spiritual level as well. The intricate dance between breath and movement fascinated her.
Sabrina is a Colorado native that grew up on the West Slope and bounced over to the East Slope after graduating from college. In 2010, she was laid-off from her big corporate job. She was terrified and excited at the same time. It was right then she made the decision to focus her energy on projects that were more in align with her beliefs. Since then Sabrina has lived from coast to coast and everywhere else in between doing what she loves; teaching yoga and nutrition.
Sabrina is Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200, Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider, and has over 1200 hours of yoga training under her belt. She's studied with Hansa Knox, Gina Caputo, Shiva Rea, Seane Corn and so many more. Sabrina has a Master's in Clinical Nutrition and loves to nerd out about food and alternative health. Find out more about Sabrina by going to!