Saul David Raye is an acclaimed teacher and spiritual activist known for his unique and transformational approach to yoga, and spirituality. Saul’s teaching draws on 25 years of study and practice in the depth of the Yoga tradition, Bhakti, Tantra and all forms of universal light, love and wisdom. His teaching is authentic and empowering, it comes from the heart, allowing students to connect deeply with their own inner power and light. Saul's teachings are grounded in a deep love and respect for Mother Earth and the great Spirit that flows through all of life. He is able to bring alive ancient wisdom teachings for modern seekers and still retain the essence of deep yoga and mysticism. He holds certifications in Yoga, bodywork and energy healing, is a practicing minister and sacred musician who infuses his classes with healing music and chants. He has been on the faculty of many conferences and festivals and has been featured in different health publications. Saul shares this work through teacher trainings, workshops, classes, sacred jounrney's and music.
For more information, please visit sauldavidraye.com.