Ally Watters Morrison is a seasoned Myo-Fascial Release Bodyworker, Yoga Educator, Wellness Pro and Anatomy teacher. Her extensive training in a variety of healing arts modalities informs her unique approach, one that guides you into layers of healing, alignment, and deep-tissue awareness. She treats clients in the beautiful river valley areas around Aspen, CO and teaches at regional festivals in the West.
Yoga has been an integral part of her life, bodywork and healing philosophy since 1997. Ally began practicing yoga posture and body-based meditation which immediately led to multiple teacher trainings within Anusara Yoga, Science of Self Yoga and Medical Chi Gong with Zen Wellness. She has assisted senior teachers with over 260 hours, has taught over 4,000 hours, and administered 6,000 hours of bodywork in her 26 year career.
Originally from North Carolina, Ally graduated from Appalachian State University with a B.S. in Design. Thus began her dedication to the spatial and internal designs that create health and ease for our bodies. After graduation and travel, she became certified to practice Massage Therapy, focusing on Myo-Fascial Trigger Point and Deep Tissue techniques for the relief of pain. Her career includes co-founding an integrative, holistic health center, providing care for the US Snowboard Halfpipe team for 7 years, directing a yoga studio and serving a high-end clientele in Aspen 8 years.
Alongside her colleagues of Chiropractic, Chinese Acupuncture and Naturopathic medicine, she has worked to treat a wide range of conditions including arthritis, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, herniated discs, spondylothesis, sports-related injuries, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, scar tissue, scoliosis, tinnitus, vertigo, jaw issues, pre/post surgery conditions, post-physical therapy restoration, and more.
For the past 8 years, Ally has devoted herself to rectifying the structural and spiritual ailments that plague the modern worker and athlete. Utilizing her sports background, devotion to healing, and studies in postural and behavioral change, she has evolved the level of personal care that’s required to heal body and spirit. Her deep faith in the body’s ability to transform and heal via patience, touch, movement practices, mantra, diet, herbs and bodywork has enabled her to treat and connect to thousands of clients.
WEBSITE: https://allymorrison.com/